Are Americans Missing Out On Travel?

Growing up in New York my typical vacation was flying to Florida for Disney and tropical weather once or twice a year. Perhaps I indulged in the occasional trip to the Caribbean, if I really wanted to treat myself. I was content with this level of travel and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I consider ANY vacation a good vacation, and I consider myself fortunate to have had the money and time to travel at all. Whether it’s camping, driving cross country in an RV, or visiting distant relatives–it’s a break from your monotonous routine and quality time with family and/or friends. As long as you enjoy yourself–that’s all that matters.

I got the travel bug several years ago, and as I get older there is something that bothers me. This blog is about sharing, so let me explain. As a general rule, the average American’s typical vacation doesn’t involve world travel. Why is that, and what’s the big deal?

Let’s answer the why first.

  • Cost. Money is a huge factor for most people. International travel will likely be more expensive.
  • Uncertainty. Traveling to a country with different currency, language, and customs can be a great source of stress in what is supposed to be a recharging and relaxing experience.
  • Mindset. Most Americans are vacation introverts. It’s a cultural thing. It is just not commonplace for the average American family to travel overseas and see the world. Europeans and Asians travel from country to country like Americans travel between states.

What’s the big deal?

  • We are missing out. It was not until I began traveling overseas that I realized what I was missing. I didn’t appreciate the world, and its diversity, until I started experiencing it first hand. Books and movies aren’t the same as being there. Not even close.
  • It changes you. I’m not sure how to explain this correctly, but international travel has altered the way I think. My philosophy changed about certain things–politics, tolerance for others, my global perspective in general. I’m a different person–not entirely–but enough to notice a difference.
  • YOLO. The world is big, but smaller that you may think. One day you’ll be too old and frail to travel, too busy with other obligations, or some other reason keeping you from seeing the Sistine Chapel, picnicking on the grass near the Eiffel Tower, or floating in the Dead Sea. You Only Live Once. Do it now. Do it while you can.

Yes. I think the average American is definitely missing out if they don’t incorporate at least some international travel into their vacation plans. You can always find a cheap flight overseas with a quick google search and some flexibility with your dates of travel.

If this post motivated just one person to consider broadening their horizons and explore a new country, I did my job. Just be sure to share your experience with us.