United Airlines Exclusive Discount For Young Travelers

I’m constantly looking for travel deals and promotions, and I wanted to share one that took me a bit by surprise. United Airlines is offering discounted flights exclusively for 18-22-year-old travelers.

Source: united.com

Here are the details of this promotion.

  • You must use the United app to get the discount
  • You can only book flights for yourself
  • You must book by July 31, 2021

My Take

What I find unusual about this particular deal is the age group targeted. Perhaps United is targeting college-age adolescents because the virus affects them the least–or young adults are more willing to stretch the limits of social distancing and stricter COVID-19 deadlines? Is United encouraging independent travel for young adults in hopes to gain a dedicated base of new flyers? Who knows. I just found it interesting and wanted to share the offer hoping that some of you will benefit.

Will you take advantage of United’s new promotion?